Kids View 4/7/20
Challenge: think of one thing that reminds you of God today.

Stella’s choice for today was a butterfly!
She said that butterflies remind her of angels. “The butterflies and their wings remind me of our guardian angels. We have angels watching over us, and angels are close to God!”
I love butterflies too. Right before a good friend’s mother passed away, she said she could see butterflies in the room. We like to think that they were her angels beckoning her home to the Father. Now, whenever I see butterflies, I too think of guardian angels. It’s funny how Stella picked up on that or maybe came to that thought herself. God only knows!

Vivian’s choice for today was Pandas! “Panda’s are so cute!” So I asked Vivian why she thought pandas reminded her of God. “Well,” she said, “the white is like the swaddling clothes around Jesus when he was a baby, and the black is like his beard when he was a man.” ohhhhh kaaayyy. Quite a stretch but I’ll take it!
I love how the kids are so quick to come up with answers to this daily challenge. This morning they reminded me that we had forgotten yesterday and they had their choices ready to go for today! I’m loving this exercise! It reminds me to focus on God too.