Kids View 4/10/20 & Good Friday
Challenge: pick one thing that reminds you of God today.
Today we had a conversation with the kids about Good Friday, this being the day in history that Jesus was crucified.
Stella chose the cross as her pick today. We asked her what the cross means and she replied with, “Jesus died on the cross, which saved us from our sins!”
We talked about why Good Friday is “good.” Even though it was a sad day because Jesus was painfully nailed to the cross, this act was one that changed our lives forever because Jesus took the punishment for everyone’s sins by dying for our sins.
Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews.
Matthew 27:37

Before Jesus, the people were separated from God and ignored God’s commands. Jesus came into the world for one reason – to connect us back to our Father in heaven! Jesus paid our ransom by dying on the cross so that we could live and have eternal life!
Vivian switched gears a bit and chose “parents.” She said, “I choose my parents, because you teach us, are super helpful, and do so much for us kids. You let us go to school and give us food and water. You help us live!” (I didn’t tell her school is the law).
Awww, thanks Viv!